Independent Pharmacists and Hemp Based CBD Products

Our nation is in the throes of an opioid crisis, and the Bluegrass state is no exception. Kentucky is among the top ten states with the highest number of opioid-related deaths. That’s why as independent pharmacists, we can’t ignore alternatives like hemp based CBD products. This may surprise you, but hemp based CBD products are not addictive, they don’t get you high, and research shows they may reduce a patient’s opiate use by up to 50%. Numbers like that can’t be ignored.

Sighting that cannabis laws are changing, independent pharmacists like Jerry are doing their research and finding a CBD product they can stand behind and choosing to carry it in their stores. CBD oil has many uses and may help:

  • Relieve Insomnia
  • Reduce Pain
  • Reduce Inflammation
Independent Pharmacies and Hemp Based CBD Products
And it is:

  • Virtually non-addictive
  • There are very few side-effects

As independent pharmacists, we have the ability to research and choose to offer alternatives that chain pharmacists do not. Hemp based CBD products, like CBD oil, is one of those alternatives.

“We were a little nervous about offering it at first. I wasn’t sure it would sell and it isn’t cheap,” says pharmacist Jerry Barnette. “But we’re really surprised by customer response.”
Customers have the opportunity to talk with their Independent Pharmacist about CBD Oil.

Hemp Based Products as a Consumer

There’s still a lot of misunderstanding surrounding hemp-based CBD products. They don’t, “get you high.” They are not addictive. And there is a very low risk of side effects and virtually no risk of overdose.

Independent pharmacist John McDaniels made the decision to carry a hemp-based CBD product in his pharmacy after doing some research. He decided there was evidence the products work and felt they have their place in medicine. He also wanted customers to have the opportunity to talk with their pharmacist about CBD oil, something you won’t get buying hemp-based CBD products online or at a gas station.

Purchasing hemp-based CBD products from their pharmacist gives the consumer a chance to ask a medical professional about how hemp-based CBD products work, talk about drug interactions, side effects, benefits and to answer any other questions they might have. John wanted his customers to know they could feel confident in the product they purchase from him and that they don’t have to buy hemp-based products from an irreputable source. Hemp based CBD products may be very helpful for insomnia or as part of a pain management plan, and they may be a valuable asset to the shelves of an independent pharmacy. Meanwhile, consumers appreciate purchasing their hemp-based CBD products from a reliable source they know and trust.